Today was a really good day….

July 30, 2003 · 0 comments

in 2003,Werty

Daily recap:

Found out that I can go to Krazyfest afterall. It will be nice to be out of Chicago for a while… Louisville is an allright town. And by allright I mean that I like it and that I would not mind living there.

Got a stack of work done at work today. Had a review which went well.

Came home and on the way ran into the crush which was stated in a previous entry. I should ask her out…perhaps someday I will. Someday soon hopefully.

Had a 2 hour meeting tonight with Gary in regards to our little biz. Things are looking good. I look foward to playing with the marketing end of it… I cannot wait to look at the log files… Well we need to incorporate first as well as get about 2 bajillion things done before our site even goes up…so log files are miles away. He comes to town this weekend and we brainstorm and get some serious business done.

Went to Abigails going away party. I did not drink and had a good time. There was a guy who had major pelvic thrustage. Sean, Tony and I were in awe.

Well if things could not get any better they did. We get a cab home and as the drunkards get out I stay in the front. Well it turns out the cabbie is non other than Ray St. Ray, singing cab driver. I chose a song from the Social Signicicance variety. It ended up being a blues song about living in the slums. The highlight was the drum (dashboard) solo. Fucking brilliant!

this is a fun thing to go play with…a wireframe skeleton

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