SAW The Incredibles

February 25, 2006 · 0 comments

in Reviews

I just got finished watching SAW and the Incredibles, both were better then what I was expecting.

First off with SAW, Danny Glover is in it, and for anyone who may know me, might know I have a slight obsession with Danny Mutha Lovin Glover. The movie reminded me of a mix between Cube and Seven. It was pretty interesting, had a touch of gore, and a little bit violence, and some creepy things as well. It was nothing that great, but enough to make me wonder what the sequel is all about. If you are bored and have access to see it give it a go. If you are a dandy or are dainty you may want to avoid watching this before bedtime, as you may get a little scared. I think the scariest part of it is the doll…eeeep. I guess you could call it a “psychological thriller/horror” film. ***

After SAW I watch The Incredibles. This was actual the first Pixar film that I have seen and the animation was pretty amazing. I liked how they did the lead up to the story, and they made the villain somewhat interesting. If I had kids I would totally watch this with them, as it proves the value of a family as well as displaying how we are all great inside and some other moral BS. From an animation standpoint the movie is pretty wicked. There are scenes that take place on running on water, and they are just brilliant. There is plenty of action to keep kids, and big kids, like me, entertained. I do not think there was anything that a child 5+ could not handle in the film, and there was no displayed death, but it was implied. After the dad starts working out there are various scenes that would indicate that he and the misses were about to “get freaky”, but I am guessing that it would be safe for viewing by children. Based on the ending, it would appear that they are planning a sequel. Worth picking up if you have a family, and worth watching if you do not. ****

Has anyone seen either of these? If so what did you think?

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