More art related items.

July 2, 2006 · 0 comments

in Art

I was talking to ol awall today and showed him an old sculpture of mine. I added the soundtrack to it so he could view it properly over the interweb. the updated post can be found here and it has new viewing instructions on the bottom of the post.

I also dug up an old photo project of mine, from a few years back that a teacher archived on his site.

You will need quicktime to view this, but it is kind of cool. The original was like 140 megs and was projected into a dark a classroom and navigated by the students. The way this was made was to use a digital camera, hold it steady, rotate it and take some shots in a full circle, then use photo shop to stich them together…I spend about 8-10 hrs making the image flawless in photoshop, and the result is pretty cool I think. The idea is to have the viewer involved in a something that I experienced. Click here to try it out.

Let me know what you think about both of them.

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