Skateboarding Day 1 & Day 2

August 26, 2007 · 2 comments

in Fitness

Like I mentioned in an earlier post I was given a skateboard for my birthday, and so I started to use it.

The first day I was pretty rough, I could barely stay on it for more than a few seconds, but then switched to a larger area to ride, and then began to do a bit better.

I still had to to bail off it a few times, and caught myself a few others, but it went better than I was expecting.

The second day I started skating after I came home from the gym and decided to try it again. This time it was great I was able to stay on it much longer, went up and down my alley. Did not fall at all, and had a great time.

I should have been happy with this run, but decided to go out a bit later when it cooled down. I was still riding well and was going pretty fast. Then I lost it went up, and came down hard on my hand, hip, and elbow, not sure how it happened but it did.

The first words out of my mouth were 0wn3d and I was laughing.

Anyhow I totally got a bruise on my hip, my elbow is scraped up and my wrist hurts like 4 days later. The best part of this is I am totally happy about the experience and the fall. I am not sure what it is exactly, but I am happy that I am learning this, and feel like I am learning this the proper way which is through lots of falls and pain. It sure beats sitting behind the computer, and I plan on continueing to ride whenever I can, until I get enough skill to ride it to the post office and the bars.

I do not really care too much about tricks, but I am interested in just increasing my skill level to the point where I can ride anywhere w/out falling. I am hoping I can make it to that point with out breaking a bone, but we will see how that goes 🙂

What do you think… is 29 too old to start skateboarding?

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Dan 08.27.07 at 4:32 pm

never too old. just gets scarier as you get older. if you are going strictly for transportation ya might wanna look into a longboard. they are a smoother ride, and go faster with less effort. An as far as falling goes, gotta learn to tuck and roll. don’t put your arms out even though that’s instinct, just roll over your shoulder a bit.

2 Anthony 08.27.07 at 9:56 pm

As with just about anything, it is a little harder to learn the older you are. I spent 6 or 7 glorious years of my life skateboarding and managed to avoid broken bones that entire time. As long as you know your limitations and don’t go flinging yourself down every staircase you come across, you should be limited to the typical injuries like hip bruises, small rocks embedded in your palms, bloodied knees and ankle sprains.

Oh to be 16 again!

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