Halloween Fun Fest

October 31, 2002 · 0 comments

in 2002,Werty

done with work and school. thinking of what i want to do tonight. lots of options. none seem that attractive. i wish i didnt have to work tomorrow. that way i could go out and get sauced. wind up in a strange bed in a stranger place.

i kind of feel like cuddling up and watching a horror film.

i wish there were some trick or treaters in this hood. i havent had a single one since i lived in this f’n city. partially disturbing.

tomorrow i work a full day. i can use the money. so that is cool. but i kind of would like to have the half day to myself.

i am reading the marabou stork nightmares by irvine welsh right now. it is pretty good. it makes me want to talk in a scottish accent and punch fuckers in the jaw.

i am trying to think of a sculpture to make for class. i have about a month to do it. i dunno what i want to do. something mechanical, disturbing and animated.

i also have 2 papers i need to crack out in the next few weeks. oh how i love school. if it wasnt for all the bullshit school wouldnt be that bad. busy work sucks. i liek the large complex projects.

well i guess i am going to make some calls and try and track some people down. hopefully there will be no answers and i can do something else.

happy halloween.

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