Woke up a bit late today…

June 9, 2003 · 0 comments

in 2003,Werty

So Saturday I woke up at 11:45 am when my cell phone received the weather alert. My mouth was dry and the sun was beating in through the curtains. I got up and worked on the gizmo quiz. I had a few hours to kill and James was still sleeping on the couch.

I called up Jarrett, no answer, left a message. Called Craig and talked for a bit. Found out Jarrett hooked up with McKenzie.

After this, I hosted the gizmo quiz. It lasted an hour and 15 minutes, which I think is pretty successful. It was really close at the end. Pretty exciting. Well to me it was. James watched and thought the same thing. To the non-tech person it may be nerds playing, but to nerds it is great. I love it. I cannot wait to play next weekend.

From here James, Kristen and I went to a BBQ. We started drinking at about 4 pm. The food was good, the beer was cold and all was well. Well then, people departed for the 2nd annual slosh ball tournament. What this is a bunch of drunks playing kick ball and getting even drunker as they round the basses. Well this would have been fun to watch/play but the police confiscated the beer. 2 coolers full. I think 7 cases of beer total.

I guess the game could not be played with out the beer so everyone headed back to the BBQ. We drank more and listened to hair bands from the eighties. After this, we headed to another party. It was at some really swank pad. There was tons of booze as well as really good guacamole and the best Spanish rice I have ever tasted. It was light and fluffy, the fucking bomb.

From here, it was off to Estelle’s. I was part of the greatest cab ride ever. I will not reveal any of the details but it was brilliant. Holy shit it was great. Ah choo. CHOOOOOOO. James would understand, so good.

Well we get to Estelle’s and I was in good shape, well then I started drinking, at break neck speeds. I do not remember leaving there but I was separated from the rest of the group. I think I got in a fight on the way home, I know I got in a really weak ass one later in the night. It was pretty funny. I just wanted to eat my Flash Taco.

The next day was hell. I woke up at around 1pm. I had a terrible hangover. I was on the couch for the whole day.

I went to work today and had a happy email when I arrived. I worked out of my new cubicle. It was quite different then the normal area I work in. The people at the East Bank Club were out swimming today, so I missed them in the morning. The afternoon consisted mainly of me reformatting a computer and installing all the ever-so-important desktop publishing applications on it. Installing a networked printer was a pain in the ass. I am now able to print which is a good thing.

I came home from work and read the normal things on the web. I stumbled into Jarrett’s Live Journal. Looks like Jarrett came down again to visit McKenzie the next night and did not bother to return my call. That kind of bugs me. Seriously, fuck all you want but have the courtesy to return my call.

In other interesting news, I posted a new review and peeped Radiohead new website. I think it is lacking, but may become something of value in a few weeks.

I may go rent a movie tonight. Other than that, I need to start my laundry, work out, cook some dinner/lunch for tomorrow.

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