Random Rant – Weak Poetry at the beginnging

August 21, 2002 · 0 comments

in Rants

idiot box? smart box?
time killer? carcinogen?
f’n computer

so yeah. i spend about 1/2 of my life staring at a monitor. work, pleasure, design, research, homework, finance, pay bills, shop, communicate, etc.

i found this amazing site today: Acronym Finder Look up 242,000+ acronyms-abbreviations & their definitions

also i went and found a copy of the constitution online. haha don’t ask
and it printed out this wild jarbled picture before hand. it was something… i will make shirts out of it. i like it quite a bit.

james is going to scan it for me

it is really fucked up. i think spirits of the 9.11. either that or some awesome USA propaganda virus type thing…it wouldnt suprise me. it looks liek it shoudl say “we come bless united section”

so it may just be a weird printer error. crazy though

jarrett says i need to listen to a band called sleep. the song i need ot get is called: Jeruselum

i need a good file sharing program.

right now i use ftp. and i get lots of good mp3s from that. i hear of tons of bands that i never have

my friend andy came over today. we hung. burnt him some mix cds and talked business
allright. i am off for the night. tomorrow maybe i will make some coffee and design a webpage. woo hoo

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