Back from Toronto SES, Canada and Cleveland

May 16, 2004 · 0 comments

in 2004,Werty

So yeah, i went to a nerd convention (SES Toronto) in Canada. It was a blast.

Scored some new contacts and clients

Got to see Niagra Falls. It ruled

Got to ride the subway and trolleys.

I got drunk and hit on a girl who worked at google.

Got drunk and hit on 2 canadians at a bar…and saw a show. Too drunk to remember any of it.

Got to see the red light district tour of toronto by an amazing cab driver.

Ate at a fancy restaurant and dropped $150 on food and drink.

Bought some Chinese medicine that will hopefully make me sane again.

Learned the hot spots of toronto.

Ate a veggie dog of a street vendor at 3am

Got 3 porn channels for free in the hotel room

Saw Orgie(hahahaha i know!!!) and caught the lead singers “sweat towel”

Got sex eyes from 50% of the women at the google party!

Taught my stomach how to eat 2 meals a day.

Witnessed a fight and the aftermath.

A bunch of other stuff happened as well.

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