Looking for Poker Table Felt

August 12, 2004 · 0 comments

in 2004,Werty

So my buddy Jake got me into playing Texas Holdem, and I started to play all the time. A few buddies and I decided to make a Texas Holdem table and we have been searching to get nice casino quality poker table felt. I have no idea where to look, I would like to feel the poker table felt in person before I placed an order to some online poker supply store. I dunno, If anyone has some suggestions leave me a comment.

I would say the greatest part about this, is that I am not even good at playing, but I want to get custom poker chips, my own texas holdem table, with my own felt. It would be sweet to have gambling night at Werty’s Casino, I would be forced to break your legs if you did not pay up. CHOP CHOP

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