Update Your RSS Feed Please

April 19, 2006 · 3 comments

in 2006,Werty

I switched to feedburner tonight after taking a long time to switch over. Links can be found on the right or here:


I may as well plug Rae’s feedburner interview while I am at it.

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

1 greg niland 04.26.06 at 12:48 pm

you could redirect the blog address to feedburner for the lazy people out there :).

2 Werty 04.26.06 at 3:28 pm

Yeah I did that when i switched to WP from blogger, the thing now is that I guess I would need to change my RSS feed, post that to feedburner, then redirect my old on to the feedburner? If I was to just do a redirect on this one ii think it would get the person in a loop werty>feedburner>werty>feedburner….

3 aaron wall 05.03.06 at 7:43 pm

I would recommend doing feeds.mydomain.com instead of feeds.feedburner…sometimes u will get dupe content issues being feeds.feedburner/you instead of using feedburner to power a subdomain called feeds.ursite.com

also may as well get whatever scraper links and stuff to point at your site instead of feedburner. some people point real links at the feedburner feed too.

here is how to switch it

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