Fetus and Franklin?

June 6, 2007 · 3 comments

in Free Desktop Wallpaper

Here are 2 kind of off the wall “toys” that I have. The first is a Ben Franklin toy that my friend Mikey got me. The second is a little plastic fetus that I bought (in bulk) off of eBay. Why you ask? I really do not have an answer. I was going to use them in some crazy sculptures, but that never happened. Now there are around 40 of these little buggers somewhere in my house!


As you can see on the fetus, I really used lots of contrast to make the image somewhat interesting. I am not sure what sort of weirdo would make this their desktop, but I am guessing some nut job out there, wants a fetus desktop wallpaper.


I guess there also has to be some other weirdo who will want Ben Franklin as their desktop?

This image I played with all the raw settings to get that “electric blue” look. hahaha. Very bad I know!

Like all my free desktop wallpapers, leave me a comment if you use these yourself, or see some other weirdo using them.

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Jeffc 06.06.07 at 10:42 am

I predict that you will be #1 in the serps for, fetus franklin by the end of the week.

2 Anthony 06.09.07 at 11:40 pm

Mr. Ben Franklin is now our desktop.

Thank you.

3 Roberta 12.21.09 at 5:00 pm

Do you still have the fetuses? I have been looking all over for some.. and, can’t seem to find any!!

I would love to buy them off you!

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