Going to UIC

August 14, 2002 · 0 comments

in 2002

allright. the last few days have been a blur.

i worked a few days. helped butch make a movie. redid a web page. drank myself silly on the weekend. unpacled my stuff from the trip. unpaclked some more stuff and moved in a little more.

i guess i was accepted for financial aid so UIC here i come.

i think i even get a few extra dollars to spend on books and food. woo woo.

my work load is getting less at work which worries me. will i be out of a job at the end of the summer? most likely. this time i will collect unemployment and food stamps. i am kinda sick of not using the resources which are there to help hard working americans (go USA go) like myself. hahaha oh lord.

yeah so tomorrow i will work. friday hopefully jarrett, chris, rob and butch will all come over and we all go drinking and make asses of ourselves. that is plan anyhow. it shoudl be good. maybe i will meet a sweet lady and take her home and UH, double up, UH UH with her. not very likely but it would make for a grand story. wouldnt it.

well loyal reader, now i must create a delicious and nutritous lunch for me to take to work tomorrow.

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