Print Stamps – Sinks to a new Low

November 1, 2006 · 2 comments

in Rants

I recently bitched about how floods my po box with worthless mailers and cds, but the last few days these assholes sunk to a new low by functioning as my alarm clock with their sweet cold calling service.

They have called me 2 days in a row with a cold call at about 9:15 am, with an extremely HARD sell call. It is terrible.

The conversation goes something like this:

Them: Can I speak to the sweet dude who runs the business?
ME: SPEAKING (in a thunderous tone)
Them: Blah Blah Blah free pitneybowes scale
Me: Sorry I am not interested.
Them: Blah blah blah save on shipping
Me: I do not mail anything
Them: Blah Blah fre trial
Me: not interested. goodbye. (yesterday this is where I hung up on them)
Them: Blah blah blah
Me: I am an internet company, we do not send anything
Them: blah blah blah
Me:please stop calling me
THem: blah blah blah
Me: stop calling me
Them: Blah blah

The woman on the phone has a southern accent, and is pushy as hell. Today I had enough and figured I would blog about it.
I am not sure what else you can really expect from a company that uses this as their ad campaign:
I do not understand what that business model is or why anyone would be dumb enough to use their service VS the free one you can get from USPS. USPS allows you to print shipping labels free from your computer, you just need to set up an account, and you can use any scale to weigh the shit you are sending. It is called Shipping Assistant.

How do you deal with pushy telemarketers?

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 aaron levi 10.23.07 at 9:23 am

I know your post is crazy old, but are you aware has nothing to do with Pitney Bowes?

The 2 are totally different companies.

2 Mr Just Saying 04.22.08 at 8:13 am

The person who posted this comment is obviosly a moron. That’s why you can take what you read on the internet too seriously. This is a perfect example of cyber ignorance.

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